Friday 27 April 2012

Garden News for April

Planting out, potting up and other garden happenings.

Broad beans I planted out survived the rain and sleet

 In the green house the seeds I sowed have started to flourish, assorted sweet peas

Courgettes, vegetable spaghetti and squash

Runner beans

Sugar peas and french beans

Tomatoes and globe artichokes

Jerusalem artichokes ready to plant out

and in the greenhouse borders.... lettuce and

 Mizuma greens

and the strawberries have started flowering

 and outside
The last of the Purple sprouting broccoli

Lovage, delicious added to soups

and cat mint for my feline friends

apple blossom
and black currants
Unfortunately the damage from two winters ago is still showing up

..lots of pruning to do!


  1. Now I feel guilty, I still have seeds waiting to be planted and more to be potted on...I must try to get out tomorrow.
